Sunday, June 14, 2015

How to Write for SEO Without Sounding Like You’re Writing for SEO and Why You Should

How to write for seo article photograph
Most of the Internet marketing advice you’ll read on the web today will tell you to always write for users, not search engines. This is very true, but I believe it is a bit of a misleading statement. I have seen articles and web sales pages, for example, that don’t use keywords at all. After all, they’re writing for users, right?
Wrong. I think we do still need to write for search engines, but not in the lame way ofsounding like we’re writing for search engines.
My philosophy is this. In business, the goal of your initiatives and activities should be to make more money. That’s why you’re in business, right?
When I first started in SEO, I was being trained in how to write articles that would attract backlinks (I know, it was a horrid practice but it was popular at the time). Being a trained journalist, at first I was grossly appalled at what I thought was the lowest quality usage of the English language, not to mention the poorest ethical claims that any of this stuff could be credible advice.
I still think good research is invaluable in writing, and I still employ some of my journalistic styles and skills today, don’t get me wrong.  But eventually, as I learned more and more about SEO, I figured out the crux of the matter. It comes down to this: do you want money or not?
The problem is, most people don’t know how to write for SEO (which makes money). If they do write for SEO, they basically just keyword stuff, or they forget about keywords altogether. So, with that said, let’s get to the good stuff. I’m going to show you some tricks I use to write for SEO without sounding like I’m writing for SEO (though sometimes it’s blatantly obvious to the trained eye, but no one can help that).


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