irst off, I have to say, that if you haven’t yet noticed, I’ve tried to include the following keywords into important spots on this article:
“Write for SEO”
“Writing for SEO”
“Natural SEO writing”
I tried not to over-do it, and I tried to insert these words consciously into my article, heading tags, page title and Meta title without sounding like I was trying too hard. Of course they are noticeable (especially now after reading this article), but if I hadn’t used them, how would a search engine know what this page is about? The idea here is balance – just be creative, use real sentences and headings, speak naturally and don’tover-do it.
Today the blogging and online business world has made it so that we are not writers of epic novels, poems or professional news stories. We’re taking care of business, literally. And taking care of business online means taking care of search and social visibility. So my stance is that, if you are going to write an article, it should make you more money (or drive more traffic to your site, if you are a non-profit or some other organization with an objective). If you write an article that no one reads, you haven’t helped your business. The time when money and traffic don’t matter is when you only care about art for art’s sake, and that’s ok. But then don’t complain that no one except your mom reads your blog.
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